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G R A I N  M E R C H A N T  C E R T I F I C A T I O N  P R O G R A M
| C A R E E R  P A T H S |  G R A I N  F I N A N C E  S P E C I A L I S T


The Grain Finance Specialist career path is a focused study of the specialized financing requirements of grain companies utilizing disciplined basis trading practices.

The path facilitates improved understanding and communication between grain lenders and the grain elevator and handling businesses they service.


Who Is a Certified Grain Finance Specialist?

  • Those on the lending team with specialized knowledge of financing requirements, loan processing and servicing of grain-oriented basis trading operations.
  • An attentive relationship manager who actively promotes clear and effective communication between the lending and grain operations.
  • Strong promoter of disciplined merchandising practices in grain operations.


I have looked a long time for training opportunities to help me establish a strong foundation for understanding hedging, futures, and basis trading. The Grain Elevator Financing Course has done exactly this. As a lender, it has given me the tools to be more effective in my evaluation of the risk management practices in place by these types of credits. My ability to meaningfully monitor these types of credits, as well as any of our credits that are using hedging has been greatly enhanced. It's a very intriguing and complex area that has become so much clearer for me as a result of this course.

Marybeth Boles
Sr. Credit Analyst
Farm Credit Services Southwest
Tempe, AZ

C O U R S E S  O F  S T U D Y Y

Grain Elevator Financing

Farm Marketeting Essentials

Our mission is to enhance the well-being and success of agricultural businesses through world class education and management consulting.

© 2016 White Commercial Corporation